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This section provides detailed information about how to change highlight colors in a number of different ways.

Highlight Colors are displayed when a task is being animated. It is important to control the highlight color of tasks to draw attention to specific details or disable the highlight so that realistic materials are retained when animating.

This is the paint palette. Use this to change the highlight color for the associated element.

When you select a paint palette in the Construction app the Task Highlight Color Window is opened. The highlight color displays when the task is active. Actual highlight colors are only displayed when actual durations are being displayed.

Edits the highlight color.

Toggles whether the highlight color is displayed. Otherwise the model is rendered normally.

When checked the default highlight color is used. This option is only available when changing highlight colors for individual tasks

The General radio button will use the Alpha slider to set the transparency.

The Start/Finish radio button will allow you to make a gradient transparency defined by the values in the text boxes below it.

In the Highlight Tab of the Settings menu, you can set default highlight colors by type of tasks. If an individual task highlight color has been changed and not reset to default using the column in the task table it is not affected by these settings. Use the paint pallet icon to change the default colors for either Planned or Actual.

Master applies a highlight color to all tasks.

Construction applies a highlight color to all construction tasks

Demolish applies a highlight color to all demolish tasks.

The Master Override check box ensures that all tasks use the master highlight color. Otherwise, the Construction or Demolish highlight settings are used for associated task types.

The PvA Late Diff. check box enables a color to highlight late tasks. Tasks are late if the Secondary End Date occurs after the Primary End Date.

The PvA Early Diff. check box enables a color to highlight early tasks. Tasks are early if the Secondary End Date occurs before the Primary End Date.

The Float in Range check box enables a color highlight to tasks whose durations fall within the range set in the associated text boxes.

If the if actual durations are being displayed, the PvA Difference color is used to highlight tasks whose durations deviate from the planned schedule. Objects associated with late tasks are highlighted in the Actual 3D View once the task has begun its planned duration. Objects associated with early tasks are highlighted in the Planned 3D View once the task has begun its actual duration.

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