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This section demonstrates how to create flythrough videos.

Scroll indexterm

The Flythrough App is located in the Media tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt + 7 hotkey opens the Flythrough App. This app is used to create and export videos of your 4D Sequence. From this menu you can access many other Apps and bind them to frames in the flythrough tool giving you full control of your animation. These flythrough animations can be exported as .MP4 or an .fmp (Fuzor Movie Project) for filesharing and converting to interactive VR videos.

Shown above is a video timeline. This timeline is used to create your video animation. Each of the frame frames can be populated with a snapshot of the current 3D view. When populated a frame is considered a node. The tool automatically transitions between nodes. If there are empty frames in between nodes the transition will have a longer duration.

A Cut Node allows you to transition between two camera positions instantly. Scenes before a cut node transition to the first part of the cut node. Scenes after a cut node transition from the second half of the cut node.

The Flythrough toolbox is used to manage your flythrough video. When creating a new Flythrough, or opening an old one, ensure that anything currently in the Flythrough App that you would like to keep is saved.

The New button clears the current project beginning anew

The Open button opens a previously saved .fmp.

The Save button saves your current project as a .fmp.

The Close button exits the Flythrough App.

The Render button renders your Flythrough exporting it as an MP4.

There are six different tabs in the Flythrough app. Most of attributes edited within these Apps only apply to the node they are saved in. From these tabs you can access other Apps in Fuzor and control them for individual nodes in the flythrough animation.


The timeline slider adjusts the time in the video. It will automatically change to the time of the selected frame. You can drag the slider along the timeline to view transitions between nodes.

The timeline scrollbar controls the scope of the video editor. Panning the scrollbar allows you to view to a later part of your project.

Zooms out of the timeline increasing the scope.

Zooms into the timeline decreasing the scope.

Moves the Timeline scope left one frame

Moves the Timeline scope right one frame

The scope is directly related to the amount of time that is elapsed between each displayed frame. The default amount of time between displayed frame is 1 second.

After a single zoom in from the default scope the elapsed time between displayed frames is 1/2 as second and half a second. Additionally, previously adjacent nodes will have empty frames in between nodes that were previously adjacentthem.

After a single zoom out from the default scope the elapsed time between displayed frames is 2 seconds and previously adjacent nodes that are now within the elapsed time of a single frame will be stacked. To edit these nodes, you must zoom in to a point where they are not stacked.

The Playback controls help you navigate and view your project

Changes the time to the last populated frame in the video

Plays back the timeline

Changes the time to the next populated frame in the video

The Current Time textbox displays the current time being shown in the project.

The To Time textbox allows the user to jump to a specified keyframe in the project.


The scene effects tab controls camera settings, time of day settings, and weather effects. The camera settings are associated with each node they are saved to and are gradually transitioned between nodes.

The Zoom slider controls the zoom of the camera.

The Focus slider controls the focus of the camera.

The Aperture slider controls the depth of field of the camera.

The Exposure controls the amount of light that reaches the camera.

The Bloom slider controls the intensity of light diffraction.

The Environment settings control aspects relating to weather and foliage. Each of these options are associated with each node they are saved to and are gradually transitioned between nodes.

The Tree Growth slider controls the age of the trees in the project.

The Weather slider controls intensity of the weather effects.

The Weather FX selections control whether the weather is rain or snow.

The Wind slider controls the intensity of the wind.

The Wind Direction slider controls the direction of the wind.

The Adjust Time of Day widget allows you to select the time of day using a slider. You can also input the time of day into the Time drop down menus. The time of day will be transitioned gradually between nodes.

The Fix sun position checkbox toggles whether the sun is frozen at its current position even as the time of day changes. This setting will affect all nodes.

Skybox settings similar to those that appear in the Time and Weather app can be accessed from this menu. These settings are applied to each node that they are saved to.

The SkyType dropdown menu allows you to select from Fuzor’s default skyboxes.

The Panoramic Options function the same as they do in Time and Weather. Only a single Panoramic Screenshot can be loaded into a single fuzor project. When a new panoramic screenshot is loaded it automatically applies to all frames in the flythrough video.

The checkboxes at the bottom of the page all effect the entire flythrough project. They will not transition between nodes because they always be consistent.

The Lock to Height checkbox snaps the camera position to the specified height.

The Move Following Nodes as a Group checkbox toggles whether nodes after a node that is being moved will keep their original relationship and be moved as well.

The Toggle Cinematic Camera checkbox resets the navigation controls to the Free-Camera Navigation

The Apply Visibility Checkbox toggles whether Visibility Override is active in Flythrough. Use this option if using objects with many Sketchup Components and experiencing latent reactivity in Flythrough.

The High Quality Trees at a Distance checkbox disables LODs for distant trees


The Visibility Controls App can be accessed from the Flythrough App. The scene stored within a node is similar to a saved view with respect to Visibility Controls. Visibility Override Settings are only applied to a node it is saved within. When visibility override settings have been applied to a node, they will take affect during the time between the node they are applied and the next node.

The Show Selections Sets checkbox toggles whether your Selection Set appears as a separate hierarchy in Color Override.

The Show Egress Routes checkbox toggles whether egress routes are visible in a given frame.

Visibility Override checkboxes apply to all of the frames within a project. For more information see Visibility Override.

Temporary Visibility functions do not save to a particular view and they will not be saved with a saved movie project either. However, Fuzor will only render what is visible in the 3D scene so if you want a particular object hidden from the view during your entire movie project use these settings.

The Transparency Render Settings allow you to render parts of your model with alternate transparent render settings. Use the Render Mode icons next to each entry in The Visibility Override app to Change the render mode of the object. Objects set to solid are rendered based on the current settings in Fuzor.

Transparency Render

The Clear All button changes all render modes to solid.

The Render Mode drop down menu selects a render mode for all objects in the project.

Wireframe Render

Solid Render

Transparency Mode

Wireframe Mode


The Animation Tab of the Flythrough app displays all Sequence and Equipment Animations in your project. Each multitrack animation is represented as a collapsible list of animations associated with it. For each animation is a separate slider. To control an animation, it must be enabled and applied to a frame.

The Enable checkbox enables an associated animation.

The slider controls the progress of the associated animation.

The placement in the sequence animation timeline applies to the node it is saved to and is be gradually transitioned between nodes with different sequence animation timestamps.


When you select the Render button in the Flythrough Animation Toolbox you are prompted by the Render Export Window which allows you to select various render settings.

The Video Quality tab allows you to select from three general render quality options using the radio buttons. Draft is the lowest Render setting.

The two drop down menu menus control anti-aliasing options in your render. Anti-aliasing smooths edges. Higher degrees will increase the overall render time.

The Video Frame Rate setting adjusts the frames per second of the video. A higher frame rate renders the video smoother. Framerate Options are: 16fps, 24fps, 29.97 fps, 30fps, and 80fps.

The Video Resolution setting controls the number of pixels in the exported video.

The Video Aspect Ratio changes the radio between the length and the width of the exported video. For each of these options the first number relates to the width whereas the second relates to the height.
