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There are 7 types of tasks in Fuzor. The default task type is a construction task. Different tasks have different kinds of animations or objects that can assigned to them. You can change a task type using the Task Type Column in the Task Table. Or you can create a given task type with the buttons on the 4D Simulation Toolbar.

Construction Task: Hides assigned objects before the duration of the task, animates during the duration, and keeps them visible after.

Sequence Animation Task: Animates using the sequence animation Sequence Animation attached to the assigned objects during the duration of the task. The assigned objects are always visible however their position after the task is complete is dependent on the last frame in the sequence animation.

Equipment Task: Used to assign equipment and vehicle animations Construction Equipment to a simulation schedule. The added content plays a selected animation may also play a specified Vehicle Animation during the task.

Traffic Task: used Used to toggle active segments in a traffic path Traffic Path during the construction schedule. If originally enabled the segment assigned to a Traffic traffic Task will toggle off when the task starts and on when the task ends.

Demolish Task: Hides assigned objects after its duration, and animates them during the duration of the task.

Temporary Task: Hides assigned objects before and after its duration, and animates them during separate demolish and construction durations.

Staging Task: Specifies a staging area for objects before they are placed. Objects will appear in the staging area during the duration of the task. After the task is complete objects appear in their original place.


With an object selected in the 3D View you can use the buttons to the right to select similar objects. Some of the buttons in this menu react to whether the objects in your model are instances. An instance is a copy of another object. These buttons are useful ways of finding objects that are copies of another.

The All Instance button selects all objects sharing an instance with your current selection in your entire project.

The All Type Cur Level button selects all objects sharing an instance with your current selection in your current level.

The Find Tasks button will Select the task that contains the current selection in your 3D View.

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