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created by mappings function the same as normal filters, and

The 4D Automation App allows users to assign objects to the schedule based on BIM and 4D data. The user controls the assignment of objects with mappings. Each mapping is comprised of various classification mappings that inform how objects should be assigned to tasks.

The 4D automation menu is opened using the associated button in the 4D Toolbox.

If a task is selected a new mapping is created when the 4D Automation app is opened. If the 4D Automation App is already open use the + New Mapping button to create a new mapping.

When a mapping is created, 4D Data associated with the selected task is exposed to the user. This information includes the task name and names of any direct or indirect parents in WBS.

Only a single task is required to create a given mapping. However, one mapping can be used to filter data to many tasks.

Mappings are comprised of various classification mappings that allow the user to match a given keyword in the 4D data to BIM data associated with objects in the project.

A Keyword is specified by selecting text in the 4D data. When selected, a drop down menu appears allowing the user to select which classification mapping to create. Classification mappings that can be created are similar to the rules that can be used by filters Object Filters.

For basic mappings, objects that meet the parameters of the classification mappings are assigned to a task that contains the given keyword.

4D automation uses filters to apply objects to tasks. When a mapping is applied associated filters are created and objects that meet the rules of the filter are assigned to the proper tasks. A mapping is applied using the red or green indicator in the Mapping List.


associated with 4D auotmation mappings appera in the Generated Filter Group and can easily be identified.

Like other filters, generated filters can be used for Objects Status, Cinematic Legends, Color Highlights, and to select objects. However, when a mapping is changed and reapplied these filters are recreated and will not retain associated settings.

Editing and viewing automatically generated filters is a great way to verify the integrity of a mapping.

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Classification Mappings

This section provides general information about different classification mappings that can be added to mappings.

  • A Document classification mapping allows the user to select a document. Document classification mappings will filter the mapping to only consider objects that exist within a specific model. Available options include any separate file loaded into fuzor. This includes linked Revit models as well as separate models appended to a Navisworks composite.

  • A Zone classification mapping allows the user to select a Zone, or specify a formula for multiple zones.

  • A Level classification mapping allows the user to select a specific level, or specify a formula for multiple levels.

  • A Location classification mapping allows the user to clearly define an existing level classification mapping. Location Classification Mappings are used when the level contains additional data that needs to be matched to another keyword.

  • A Parameter classification mapping allows the user to select specific data from the BIM properties of objects that can be used to either filter the available results or specify a formula for multiple values.

  • A Custom Counter classification mapping allows the user to specify countable values to match. Custom Counter Classification Mappings are used when Parameter or Level data contain mutliple values that match task data but are not read by Countable Classification Mappings.

Mulitple parameter classification mappings can be added to the same mapping. Other classification mappings can only be used once per mapping. When using multiple parameter classification mappings it is important to understand using a Combination of Parameters.

The Counter column toggles whether the parameter is a Countable Classification Mapping and to specify which value in the Keyword is used.

the Keyword column displays the keyword that is associated with 4D Data. This is generated when selecting data from the task. If a keyword formula is iterative it will be displayed here with a $ instead of the numeral.

The Classification column displays the type of the classification mapping. when using a parameter classification mapping the the drop down menu is used to select and display the name of the associated BIM parameter.

The Operator allows the user to control whether the classification mapping needs an exact match: ‘Equal to'. Or to look for any value that contains the given text: 'Contains’.

The Value allows the user to select a value to filter by in the BIM data. countable value formula are displayed with a $ instead of a numeral.

The Offset allows the user to denote an offset. this is used for countable parameters which contain data that may be slightly offset from the task data.

Deletes the associated Classification Mapping.


A Countable Classification Mapping is a specific type of classification mapping that relies on sequentail data. For example, the levels in a building. A countable classification mapping has the ability to read multiple different values and create a separate filter for each match between the schedule and BIM data.

Creating the most powerful mapping requires a strong understanding of the BIM and 4D data in the project. The following classification mapping types can be used as a countable classification mapping.

  • A Level classification mapping can match objects to tasks based on level.

  • A Zone classification mapping can match objects to tasks based on zone name.

  • A Parameter classification mapping can match objects to tasks based on the value of a given parameter.

To create a countable classification mapping a keyword needs to be selected that contains a formula with a countable numeral. Possible numerals that are countable for keywords are:

  • Integer : 1, 2, 3, 4… OR 01, 02, 03 ,04…

  • Ordinal : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

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For example, if “3rd floor” is selected as a keyword. “3rd” will be read as countable numeral. the generated Keyword is “$ Floor”. $ always represents an countable value in the formula. In order for the countable value to be used, a counterpart countable formula must be selected as the model parameter. For Example, if “$ - Floor” is selected, the mapping will count through any level values that match that formula: “1st-Floor”, “2nd-Floor”, “3rd-Floor”

The value of parameters and levels do not need to match the task data exactly. While the task data needs ot contain a number the level and parameter values may contain a phonetic number. The following numerals are countable levels and parameters.

  • Integer : 1, 2, 3, 4… OR 01, 02, 03 ,04…

  • Ordinal : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

  • Phonetic : One, Two, Three, Four

  • Ordinal, Phonetic : First, Second, Third, Fourth

In some cases a countable classification mapping may need to

Advanced Counter Settings

Learn how to utilize offsets and keywords with mulitple countable values

In some cases a keyword may need to be selected that has multiple values that the AI system identifies as “Countable”. It is possible to use a keyword with multiple countable values with a Parameter Classification Mapping. After the classification mapping is created the user must select which value read as countable is the desired counter.

The Count / ID option specifies that the first value in the keyword is the counter

The ID / Count option specifies that the second value in the keyword is the counter.

The value that is not the counter is used as part of the general identifier.

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In some cases a countable classification mapping may need to be slightly offset. For example, the ceilings on level 2 may fit better if constructed by tasks with the level 3 parent. Or instead of a level the user is using a revit parameter like “top constraint” which is ussually a level higher than the level the object is on.

An offset can be used to ensure that objects are assigned to a different level.

When using an offset of 1 objects on level 4 will be filtered to Level 3.

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Location Classification Mappings


A Location Classification Mapping can be used in conjunction with a level and parameter classification mapping mappings when level data the value includes information about the location of the object as well as the level it is on. For example, if a building has multiple wings and the information regarding which wing the object exists in is located in the level BIM data a compound countable mapping is most effective.

A level classification mapping must be created first with a specific type of value in order to add a location classification mapping. A level and location classification mapping will work together to properly assign objects to the schedule.

The level classification mapping should be created using a keyword that only contains the level number.

A level with two numerals needs to be selected for the pameter value of the level mapping. Each numeral will be displayed as a separate $. When using a level with this data a location classification mapping is needed.

When a level with two numerals is selected the level list is regenerated creating two additional options that allow the user to distinguish between the level and the location for the given level value. By default the option where first numeral in the formula denotes the level is selected.

If the second number in the formula contains the level data. Select the drop down menu again to pick between the available options. The two choices are displayed using either a '[NUMBER]' or a '$' to denote each numeral. The value formula for a level classification mapping should display the level as a $ and the location as [NUMBER].

To complete the classification mapping a location classification mapping must be added and an associated keyword must be selected. For example BLDG 2 can be selected.

The location classification mapping is only available when a level classification mapping is created as described above and it its automatically assinged to the associated Level with the opposite formula. The value formula for a location classification mapping should display the Location as a $ and the Level as [NUMBER].

The above mapping is extremely powerful. Assuming that other tasks in the schedule follow the same structure objects on all levels and in different buildings can be assigned with a single Mapping.


Generally speaking mappings do not apply the same objects to more than one task. In some situations the user may want to add the same objects to multiple tasks using 4D automation. An additional task can be added to the mapping if it has the same parent as the task that was used to create it.

The task name of the added task is appended to the existing 4D Data.

The image shows the task Set Brace, and Install Rebar included in the same mapping.

Adds an additional task to the currently selected Mapping.

Additional classification mappings need to be created in order to specify which keyword in the new task name should be used to filter the objects to the task. In the Example Below Walls are assigned to tasks with both the “Set Brace” and the “Install Rebar” keywords.

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When using compound keywords it is important to understand that any classification mappings contained in the countable Location, Level and Associated Parameters list must meet all tasks that objects are assigned to. A safe way to ensure that all tasks meet the criteria is by using keyword that exist in thier shared parents.


Mappings can be exported and reused on other projects. When exported, mappings are stored in XML format. Import and Export buttons are located at the bottom of the 4D automation window.

The Export button exports all mappings existing in the project.

The Import button imports mappings from an XML

When imported into a project mappings are automatically applied to the project. However, some mappings may be missing information that is required to utilize thier classifications. These mappings will not apply objects to tasks. Users may edit the mappings after adding necessary information.

If data associated with an imported mapping does not match a task in the schedule it will not have a status indicator.

Mappings that match schedule data may have different statuses. depending on the status a different action may be required for the mapping to be applied.

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The mapping did not apply because it is missing zones, levels, or parameters that do not exist in the project as defined by the classification mapping.

The mapping did not apply because, with the given configuration, it failed to assign any objects to tasks.

Objects are successfully assigned to tasks.

Statuses that do not apply are always unchanged if rexported. This allows the user to build a database of mappings that are associated with different file and schedule structures.
