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The section demonstrates using event triggers to program your Fuzor environment to respond to a wide variety of triggers.

The Event Trigger App is located in the Content Tab of the Fuzor App Menu. This app contains a list for you to manage your event triggers. The red circle in the Event Trigger List denotes that a task is inactive. To activate the trigger, click the circle.

When it changes from red to green, the trigger is activated. You can remove a trigger from this list with the trash can button. You can rename a trigger by double clicking its name in the list. You can group triggers together by selecting them with SHIFT + Left Click. Once you have your desired triggers selected Right Click them and select the Add to New Group button. This is a good way to keep large amounts of event triggers organized.

The Global Visualizer check box toggles the display of tags for the Event Triggers associated with objects.

The Open Editor drop down menu allows you to open various editors associated with event triggers. These options are Counters, Timers and Dialogs. Each menu allows you to create and manage objects of the associated type.

The Create button creates a new event trigger.

The Clone button makes a copy of the currently selected event trigger(s).

Once you have created an event you can select it by clicking on it in the Event Trigger List. This opens the full Event Trigger App. This window displays information about you currently selected trigger. An Event Trigger is made up of two parts, an action and an event. Events specify what sorts of conditions trigger associated actions. Whereas actions specify what happens when an associated event is triggered. Each event trigger can have any number of events and actions. Any event can be bound to any action.

The Event Type drop down menu adds a selected event to the Event List.

The Action Type drop down menu adds a selected action to the Action List.

Below is a screenshot of the Event Trigger App user interface and information about key components.

Both actions and events list will display any event or action that is associated with the currently selected event trigger. You can select an event or action from these lists respectively and the parameters of that event or action will appear in either the Event Parameter View or the Action Parameter View. These views will allow you to change specific parameters associated with an action or event and will change based on the type of action or event you have selected in their respective lists.

The Check All Events check box specifies whether all triggers must be met or just one. If check all events is on then all events must be true at the same time in order for the actions to happen. If the check box is off then any event that is true will trigger the action.

The left Clone button clones your currently selected event.

The right Clone button duplicates you currently selected action.

The Test Actions button triggers all of your actions associated with your event trigger for testing purposes

Global Visualizer

This section demonstrates how to use the Global Visualizer.

The Global Visualizer displays all of the triggers in your project that are associated with 3D Object. If the Global Visualizer check box is checked trigger tags will be displayed in your 3D view as shown below. You can also use these tags to interact with the associated trigger.

  • Selecting the Trigger ID previews the associated Actions.

  • Selecting the Name opens the Trigger in the Event Trigger App.

  • Selecting the Circle toggles disabling and activating the trigger

Construction Voice Commands

This Section provides detailed information on Construction voice commands in the HoloLens.

VR Events are a great way to make sure that your project is properly. They will trigger associated actions based on what the virtual reality user is doing. All of these will be located under the Virtual Reality subset of the Event Type drop down menu.

A Pending VR Exit Event Type triggers associated actions when VR is exited. This is a great way to ensure that certain actions are reset once a VR session has ended so that another can start from the same point. There are no input fields for this Event Type.

A VR Mode Switched Event Type allows you to trigger associated actions when the VR is turned on or turned off. If the VR Active drop down menu is set to false associated actions will be triggered when VR is turned off. If it is True associated actions will be triggered when VR is turned on.

Virtual Reality Actions

This section provides detailed information on different types of actions associated with virtual reality.

A Change VR Mode Action changes the VR state when triggered. If VR mode is set to true VR mode will be turned on when triggered. If VR Mode is set to false VR mode will be turned off when triggered

A Toggle VR Menu Action switches the VR Menu on or off when triggered. If the VR Menu State is set to False it will turn the VR Menu off when triggered. If the VR Menu State is set to True it will turn the VR Menu on when triggered.

Object Events

Learn how to use the various kinds of object events

Objects events are events that can be attached to specific objects to define how they interact with you and other objects in your 3D scene. For all of these Events you will have to add your 3D View selection to the event for it to work properly. Each of these Events can be found in the Event Type List under the Object Category

The Object Collision Event triggers an associated action when the specified objects have collided with each other. You can populate the Object #1 and Object #2 fields either by selecting a previously used object from the drop down menu or clicking Add Selected.

The Add Selected button adds the object currently selected in your scene to the associated field.

The Precise Collisions drop down menu controls whether the collisions are detected in a precise manner.

The Object Proximity Event triggers an associated action when the distance between Object #1 and Object #2 objects changes past a threshold defined by the radius. You can populate the Object #1 and Object #2 fields either by selecting a previously used object from the drop down menu or clicking Add Selected.

The Add Selected button adds the object currently selected in your scene to the associated field.

The Radius field defines the threshold that triggers this event.

The Proximity Type drop down menu specifies whether this event is triggered upon entry or exit of the threshold.

The 3D Marker Selected event triggers an associated action when the specified 3D marker is selected

The Object Selected Event triggers an associated action when the specified object is selected. You can use the Selected Object field either by selecting a previously used object from the drop down menu or clicking Add Selected.

The Add Selected button adds the object currently selected in your scene to this field.

The Show Element Properties Check box toggles display of the element properties overlay.

The VR Controller Collision Event triggers an associated action when a Virtual Reality Controller collides with the specified object.

You can populate the Object field either by selecting a previously used object form the drop down menu or clicking Add Selected. The Add Selected button will add your current 3D Scene Selection to the Object field.

Trigger State Event

This section demonstrates how to use Trigger State Events

Trigger State Events are a good way to ensure that a passive Action is only enabled when its associated Event Triggers are active.

The Trigger drop down menu specifies a trigger for the event to respond to.

The Trigger State: False option triggers associated actions when the specified trigger is disabled. The Trigger State: True option triggers associated actions when the specified trigger is enabled.

Interface Events

This section demonstrates how use Interface events

Interface Events can be used to trigger actions when specific parts of the Fuzor interface are activated, when Fuzor is opened or just before the application is exited. For both The Initial Load Event and The Fuzor Close event there are no input fields in the Event Parameters.

The Initial Load event triggers an action at the beginning of each session.

The Fuzor Close event is triggered when the Fuzor is closed just before the program exits and can be used to generate a report, or open a farewell message.

The Widget Clicked event triggers an associated action when the specified widget is selected. This could possibly be used for a tool tutorial.

The Keystroke Event triggers an associated action when the specified key is pressed.

The Key Press button prompts the user for a key to bind the event to as input.

Time Events

This section demonstrates how to use the various metric oriented events.

A Periodic Time Event can be used to trigger an action every specified time interval. The Period text box defines the time interval. After all events are completed, this Event will wait for the given time to be retriggered. The drop down menu specifies a unit for the time interval.

A Construction Date Event triggers an associated action when the specified date in the 4D schedule is reached. Use the Calendar to select the date in the 4D schedule.

A On Task Event triggers an associated action when the selected date of the specified task has been reached.

The Task ID or Name field must include the name or the ID of the task to trigger the action. When a task has been specified correctly the red X is replaced by a green checkmark.

The Task Date dropdown menu selects a date and time stamp associated with the task to trigger bound actions. Any 4D date value usable in the 4D schedules is applicable.

Timers and Counters

Learn how timers and counters can be used to automate an interactive environment.

There are two metric based objects that can be created in the trigger app. Counters store a number that can be incremented or set to any integer (non decimal). Timers track elapsed time while active. For each of these objects there is an editor, an event and an action. You can add the data stored in any timer or counter to the description field of a dialog menu by entering in the name of the counter incapsulated in quotations. For example if your timer is named Total Time Elapsed a dialog menu description with “Total Time Elapsed” entered in its field is replaced with the value stored in the Total Time Elapsed Timer when the dialog is displayed.

The Trigger Timers Manager displays all of the Timers in your project. The name of each timer appears next to a time stamp. Both these fields can be edited by double clicking the field.

Timers are created in using the Create button located in the associated events and actions.

The Timer action allows you to control the state of the timer when triggered. The following Action options are applied to the selected timer.

Start : Continues recording elapsed time from the current value.

Pause : Ceases recording elapsed time keeping the current value.

Toggle :Toggles recording elapsed time keeping the current value.

Reset : Ceases recording elapsed resetting the value to 0.

Restart : Continues recording elapsed resetting the value to 0.

Timer Events are used to trigger an action when the timer value reaches the time in the given value

The Trigger Counters Manager displays all of the Counters in your project. The name of each counter appears next to a value. Both these values can be edited by double clicking the field.

Counters are created in using the Create button located in the associated events and actions. An additional Counter event can be used with Sliders in the custom dialog.

The Counter action allows you to Increment, Decrement or set the counter value.

The Increment / Decrement option counter value to the sum of the given value and the counter value. A +5 adds five to the counter. A -5 subtracts five from the counter

The Set Value option sets the counter value to the given value.

The Count Independently option toggles whether triggers with multiple event rules apply the change in value for each event that meets the condition when multiple events in the same trigger occur at the same time.

The Counter event triggers can have three types of comparisons.

The Greater Or Equal option triggers associated actions when the counter value is greater than or equal to the given value

The Less Or Equal option triggers associated actions when the counter value is less than or euqal to the given value.

The Equals option triggers associated actions when the counter value is equal to the given value.

Animation Actions

This section demonstrates how to create and use various animation actions

Animation Actions can utilize the power of event triggers to control the animations in your model. Using these is a great way to make your Fuzor project feel responsive. All of these Actions can be found in the Action Type drop down menu under the Animation subset.

A Snap to Keyframe action allows you to control exactly what key frame an animation is on. When this event is triggered, it sets the bound objects to a sequence animation key frame. If no objects are added this Action will do nothing.

The Object field specifies what objects will be affected.

The Duration field controls the duration of the transition.

A Control Animation action plays a sequence animation, equipment animation or multi-track animation when triggered

The Object field specifies an object to be controlled

The Animation drop down menu selects an animation associated with the object.

The Animation Switch field controls whether the animation is turned on, off, or toggled when this action is triggered.

The Loop field toggles whether the animation loops after it is completed

The Reset Animation field loops the animation if set to false, otherwise the animation will stop when completing its sequence.

The Entire Animation field toggles whether the animation is played for all objects in the animation or just the selected object

A Play Custom Animation Action triggers passive animations that can be created using the Custom Animation Tool

A Play Object Sound Action triggers sounds that are attached to objects. The sound type drop down menu controls whether the sound is turned on, off, or toggled when this action is triggered.

A Set Pedestrian Animation Action controls the animation of pedestrians.

The Pedestrian field specifies which pedestrian will be controlled

The Animation field specifies what animation will be played

The Loop field loops the animation if set to false, otherwise the animation will stop when completing its sequence.

The Apply Force Action applies a force to the bound object. After the force is applied the object will move along a trajectory simulating the physics of a free fall object. Collisions during freefall change the trajectory of the object.

The Edit button allows you to specify a direction for the force to be applied

The Intial Speed text box is directly related to the magnitude of the force and is the orginal speed of that object in the given direction.

The Bounciness slider is directly related to how much the object will bounce of objects it collides with after receiving the force.

The Apply Force(Auto) action applies a force to a bound object. The applied force is dependent on the velocity of another bound object. This can be used with a collisison event to simulate objects colliding with each other.

The Source Object field specifies an object that delivers a force.

The Moved Object field specifies the object that will receive the force.

The Initial Speed textbox is directly related ot the magnitude of the force and is the orginal speed of that object

The Bounciness slider is directly related to how much the object will bounce of objects it collides with after receiving the force.

Camera Actions

This section demonstrates how to use camera actions.

Camera actions can be used to activate a saved view or focus on an object. This is a great way to control what the user is viewing. All of these actions are located in the Action Type drop down menu under the camera subsection. When using these triggers, it is best to also use Delay Actions in between different camera movements to give the user a chance to view what is intended. Additionally, it may be advisable to finish the chain of actions with a Change Navigation Mode Action to set the camera state back to its original mode.

An Activate Saved View action transitions the camera to the specified saved view when triggered. The Camera only drop down menu will load only the camera position from the saved view.

A Focus Object action transitions the camera to focus on the specified object when triggered.

A Mount/Unmount Camera to Vehicle action mounts the camera to the selected vehicle when triggered.

Construction Actions

This section demonstrates how to use 4D construction actions.

Construction actions can be used to control your 4D schedule with event triggers. You can play a portion of your 4D schedule or snap to a given point. All of these actions are located in the Action type drop down menu under the construction subsections.

A Play Construction Timeline action plays your 4D schedule between the specified time frame.

A Set Construction Timeline actions sets your 4D schedule to the specified date and time.

A Show Measurement action toggles the visibility of equipment operation radius measurements.

The Object field specifies a vehicle placed in the project.

The Visibility drop down menu selects whether the visibility is toggled or turned on or off

The Distance field specifies a max distance for the measurement to be visible from.

General Actions

This section demonstrates using general actions like setting a trigger, turning on a light, or setting the time.

A Set Trigger action is used to activate or deactivate the specified trigger. This action can be found under the Event Trigger subset in the Action Type drop down menu.

The Trigger field allows you to select a trigger to be switched.

The Trigger Switched field changes how the event trigger is affected by this action.

The Toggle Dialog State deactivates an active event trigger and activates an inactive event trigger when triggered.

The False Dialog State deactivates the event trigger when the action is triggered.

The True Dialog State activates the event trigger when the action is triggered.

The Set Lights Action controls the light object specified in the light object field. This Action is located under the Light subset of the Action Type drop down menu. If Set For all is selected all light objects will be affected by this Action. The Light Controls drop down menu controls how the light is affected.

The Toggle Light Control turns a light that is on off and turns a light that is off on when the action is triggered.

The False Light Control turns the light off when the action is triggered.

The True Light Control turns the light on when the action is triggered.

The Time Of Day Action sets the time of day to the time specified in the Adjust time of day field when triggered.

Interface Actions

This section demonstrates how to use the various Interface actions

Interface actions can be used to control a variety of actions involving navigation, Opening UI elements, and changing aspects of the Avatar. All of these actions can be found in the Interface subsection of the Action Type drop down menu.

A Delay Action delays all actions after it in the Action List when triggered. The Delay Time field controls the delay amount in the specified time unit.

A Change Avatar Mode Action changes the avatar mode to the selection in the Avatar mode drop down menu when triggered.

A Change Avatar Type Action changes the avatar Type to the selection in the Avatar Type drop down menu when triggered.

A Change Navigation Mode Action changes the navigation mode to the selection in the Navigation mode drop down menu when triggered.

A Change Render Mode Action changes the render mode to the selection in the render mode drop down menu when triggered

An Open URL Action opens the URL specified in the URL field in your default browser when triggered.

A Toggle App Menu Action controls the Fuzor app menu specified in the App Menu Field when triggered. Use the Switch State field to control how the app menu is controlled.

The Toggle Switch State closes an active app menu and opens an inactive app menu when the action is triggered.

The False Switch State closes the app menu when the action is triggered.

The True Switch State opens the app menu when the action is triggered.

A Toggle Set Design Option Action controls the design option specified in the design drop down menus when triggered.

The Top Field allows you to select a Design Option set.

The Bottom field allows you to select a Design Option

Object Actions

This section demonstrates how to use objects actions

Objects actions can be used to control various properties of objects in your 3D scene. All of these actions are located under the Object subset of the Action Type drop down menu.

A Color Override Action changes the color of the object specified in the Object field to the specifications of the Color field.

The Color selects the source color of the override.

The Slider controls the opacity of the override.

An Object Visibility Action controls the visibility of the object specified in the Object field based on what is in the Visibility field.

The Visibility : Toggle option hides a visible object and displays an invisible object when the action is triggered.

The Visibility : False option hides the object when the action is triggered.

The Visibility : True option displays the object when the action is triggered.

A Particle Effect Action controls a particle system that is spawned on the object specified in the Particle field. The Life field specifies how the particle is controlled.

The Life : Toggle option creates a particle if there is none and

removes a particle if there is one when the action is triggered.

The Life : False option creates the particle when the action is triggered.

The Life : True option removes the particle when the action is triggered.

The Type field specifies the type of particle to be created.

The FX Size field specifies the size of the particle to be created

The X, Y, Z fields control the 3D coordinates describing where the particle is to be place with relation to the objects in the particle field

A Play Media Action plays the media specified in the Object field when triggered. A Video loops once finished if Loop is set to true, otherwise it will stop.

A Remove Color Override Action removes any color override associated with the object specified in the Object field when triggered.

A Select Object Action controls whether the object in the Object field is selected when triggered.

The Selected : Toggle option selects an unselected object and deselects a selected object when the action is triggered.

The Selected : False option deselects the object when the action is triggered.

The Selected : True option selects the object when the action is triggered.

Traffic Path Actions

This section demonstrates how to control path traffic with triggers.

You can control whether path segments are enabled with triggers. This allows you to change traffic around your construction site at various points in your schedule. Disabling your path segment and enabling another forces your traffic to take a different route through your construction site. For more information see Paths.

The Highlight Selected button highlights the currently bound segment.

The Choose Selected button binds your currently selected segment to the trigger.

The Enabled : False option disables the bound segment when the action is triggered.

The Enabled : True option enables the bound segment when the action is triggered.

The Enabled : Toggle option disables an active segment and enables a deactivated segment when the action is triggered.

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