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This section demonstrates how to use the HoloLens app in Fuzor and generate FZL files

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The HoloLens App is located in the Coordination Tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The HoloLens App generates a HoloLens FZL file in order to open your Fuzor project in the HoloLens. There are three options for uploading your files. If saving to a cloud service platform you must login to your account.

Upload to Dropbox saves your FZL to your Dropbox account.

Upload to Google Drive saves your FZL to your Google Drive account.

Local saves your FZL locally on your computer.

The Spawn Marker button creates a marker that can be used to map your project to the real world. These markers can be synced to your Revit projects. They can also be created in Navisworksor Revit see Importing With Plugins. You must place the spawn marker in an accessible location in your model. Once placed select it and click the Generate QR field in the Element Properties. This will generate a printable QR code that can be placed as a real world anchor corresponding to the location of the Spawn Marker in your model. When you scan this QR code with the HoloLens your project is mapped onto the real world.

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HoloLens Visibility Filters

This section demonstrates how to create and manage visibility filters from the HoloLens App.

Visibility filters can be created in the HoloLens App and used in the HoloLens. The list in the HoloLens app contains all visibility filters in the project. By default, this list is populated with every category of objects.

The Create new button creates a new HoloLens visibility filter.

The Highlight Objects button highlights all objects associated with a filter.

The Delete Checked button removes the filter from the list.

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Similarly, to the Object Filter app, there are many options to filter by when creating a new HoloLens visibility filter. Use the dropdown menu at the top of the menu to select the type of filter you with to use. For each of these options the Filter Keyword specifies the name of the filter as it appears in the Visibility Filter List.

The Save button saves your filter settings

The Cancel button discards your settings.

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The Category option populates the selection list with all of the object categories. Each category of object that is selected will be contained within the filter that is being created.

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The Level option populates the list with all possible levels in the model. All objects on selected levels are be contained within the filter that is being created.

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The Parameter option allows you to define a custom filter by a parameter.

The filter by dropdown menu allows the user to select from all possible BIM parameters in the model.

The Auto Generate button creates a filter for each possible value of the given parameter. When select this will close the menu and create the associated filters.
The Value drop down menu specifies a value for the given parameter to contain. The filter will contain all objects whose Parameter contains the value.

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The Selection Sets option populates the list with all possible levels in the model. Objects contained within checked selection sets are included in the filter.

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Microsoft HoloLens Fuzor App

This section demonstrates how to use the Microsoft HoloLens Fuzor Application

When you first open the Microsoft HoloLens Fuzor Application you will be prompted to select a method for loading in a project.

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Loads a FZL stored on the HoloLens Device.

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Loads a previously loaded FZL.

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Loads a file with an associated QR code.

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Loads a file from a cloud platform

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Loads a file from Dropbox

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Loads a file from One Drive

Once you have selected a file and loaded it your model will be displayed and the Fuzor Menu will appear. Each of the options on this interface perform different functions.

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Toggles whether the menu follows the user around in virtual space

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Minimizes or expands the HoloLens menu.

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Closes the file and opens the Load File Menu.

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Move the Project Model around the 3D space by dragging. Moving can be enabled with a voice command. Say "Move" OR "Translate" OR “Movement” to enable Move.

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Rotates the Project Model by dragging. Rotation can be enabled with a voice command. Say "Rotate" OR "Revolve" OR “Spin” OR “Turn” to enable Rotate.

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Enables Scale Mode. Scale Mode allows you to adjust the scale of the model using preset values.

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Enables Measure Mode. Measurement can be enabled with a voice command. Say "Measure" OR "Measurement" OR “Ruler” OR “Distance” to enable Measure.

Measure Mode allows you to measure between two points. Select your unit type and then two points on your model and a point to point measurement will be created. Use the X button to remove a measurement.

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Displays information about the currently selected object. Information can be enabled with a voice command. Say "Info" OR "Properties" OR “Information” to enable the BIM properties.

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Accesses the visibility filters that are created with your project. Filters can be enabled with a voice command. Say "Filters" OR "Layers" OR “Layering” OR “Systems” OR “Visibility” to enable Visibility Filters.

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Enables Annotation Mode. Annotation can be enabled with a voice command. Say "Annotate" OR Annotation” to enable Annotation Mode.

Annotation Mode allows you to make voice annotations on selected objects and save them to your Dropbox. An object must be selected before enabling this mode. Any spoken words are converted into text and stored within an .ano file. This file can be imported into a Fuzor Project with the Ticket Manager. For more information see Ticket Manager. The HoloLens stops recording if you interact with the project in any way.

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Enables Construction Mode

Construction Mode allows you to view your model at different points in your 4D sequence in the HoloLens.

There are many different voice commands to enable construction mode and control the construction schedule.

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Selecting the Playback display toggles between duration based playback and speed based playback

Speed based playback plays the construction schedule based on a given speed. If the displayed Playback speed is x1.00 playback will happen at 1 day per second

Duration based playback plays the construction schedule based on a given duration. If the displayed duration is 1.00 the entire schedule will play back for one minute and the speed will adjust accordingly.

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Increases the construction schedule playback speed or duration.

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Decrease the construction schedule playback speed or duration.

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Plays the construction schedule from the current date.

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Resets the construction Schedule to the beginning of the schedule

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Jump to the next task in the Schedule

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Jump to the first task on the current day

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Jump to the previous task in the Schedule

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Scans QR codes and adjusts your projects position accordingly.

QR can be enabled with a voice command. Say "QR" OR “Locator” to enable QR scanning.

It is recommended that the headset is 15-20 inches from the QR code. Moving slowly toward the code usually helps a successful scan. Additionally, HoloLens has issues when the objects background have multiple colors or complex patterns. Ideally the surface the code is placed on should have solid surface like plaster walls, smooth concrete, or asphalt. To avoid these issues, it is recommended that the QR code is glued to a poster board.

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Maps your project to the real world by selecting like objects. Anchoring can be enabled with a voice command. Say "Anchor" OR “Target” to enable Anchor Mode.

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Enables Collaboration Mode. Collaboration can be enabled with a voice command. Say "Collaboration" OR “Collab” Or “Network” to enable Collaboration Mode.

Collaboration Mode allows you to collaborate with others using the HoloLens. When hosting your session key will be displayed. For more information about collaboration see Peer-to-Peer.

HoloLens Voice Commands

This section provides a full list of voice activated commands

HoloLens voice commands allow you to perform certain functions just by talking to the device. This is a great way to make adjustments and quickly transition to different parts of the User Interface. For the purposes of this document voice commands will be denoted by quotations if the included text is a command. Voice commands will be denoted by parenthesis if the included text is in reference to a grouping of similar commands. If voice commands are separated by THEN they must be said in that order. If voice commands are separated by AND they can be said in any order. If voice commands are separated by OR they are alternative keywords of the same command or if they are different keywords that are used in the same place and reference different deviations of the same command.

Answering Prompts: If prompted via HoloLens to answer a question you can respond by saying "Yes" OR "No". Alternatives for keywords "Yes" and "No" are listed to the right.

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Mute and Unmute: You can stop the voice commands from listening by saying "Mute" THEN "Commands" or an alternative.

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To unmute say "Unmute" THEN "Commands". This can be useful if voice activated commands are being executed when you are just having a conversation. Alternatives for keywords "Unmute", "Mute" and "Commands" are listed below.

Reset Element resets the either the Fuzor User Interface or the model. To reset the model, say "Reset" THEN "Model". To reset the interface, say "Reset" THEN "Interface" or an alternative. Alternative keywords for "Reset", "Model", and "Interface" are listed below.

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Close closes the Fuzor App in the HoloLens: To use this command say "Close" OR "Exit".

Select functions as though you are selecting normally. Say "Select" OR "Click" OR "Choose" to select UI elements or places on your model.

Interface Pin allows you to control whether the Fuzor Menu follows you around VR space or remains in its current position. Say "Unpin" OR "Follow Me" to unpin the menu. Say "Pin" OR "Wait Here" to pin the menu.

Maximize makes the Fuzor UI large. To use this command, say “Maximize” OR “Big” OR “Expand”.

Minimize makes the Fuzor UI Small. To use this command, say “Minimize” OR “Small” OR “Collapse”.

Scale: You can set the scale using voice commands. To use this voice command, say "One" THEN "Colon" THEN (Scale). (Scale) can be any integer. The larger the value in (Scale) the larger your object will be. Alternative keywords for "Colon" are listed to the right.

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Translation, Rotation and Measurement voice commands use units to control the command. Possible units are shown in the table to the right.

Measurement Unit: You can change the measurement unit with a voice command. To use this command, say “Switch to” OR “Change to” THEN (Unit).

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Translation: You can move your model with a voice command. To use this command, say "Translate" OR "Move" THEN (Direction) and (Distance) THEN (Unit).

"Translate" must be said first and can be followed by (Direction) OR (Distance). (Unit) must follow (Distance). (Distance) can be any integer. (Direction) is required but can be stated after (Unit) as well. To the right is a list of all possible counterparts for both (Direction) and (Unit) as well as any alternative keywords for each counterpart.

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Rotation: You can rotate your model with a voice command. To use this voice command, Say "Rotate" THEN (Right) OR (Left) AND (Distance) THEN "Degree(s)". "Rotate" must be said first and can be followed by (Distance), (Left), or (Right). (Distance) must be followed by "Degrees". (Left) will rotate the model to the left by the amount specified and (Right) rotates the model to the right by the amount specified. (Left) or (Right) is required but can be stated after "Degree(s)" or after "Rotate". (Distance) can be any integer. Alternative keywords for Rotate are "Revolve" OR “Spin” OR “Turn.”

Filtering: You can activate filters with Voice Commands. To use this voice command, say "Show" OR "Isolate" OR "Hide" THEN "All" OR (Filter Name). “Show", "Hide", or "Isolate" is required and must be said first. "All" or (Filter Name) is required. (Filter Name) can be any of the filters that are preset in your FZL file. If "Show" is stated objects included in the specified filter(s) will be shown. If "Hide" is stated objects included in the specified filter(s) will be hidden. If "Isolate" is stated objects included in the specified filter(s) will be shown and anything not included in the specified filter(s) will be hidden. If "All" is stated filter commands will apply to all objects in the model, thus "Isolate" then "All" and "Show" then "All" will have the same result. Alternative keywords for "All" and "Isolate" are listed below.

Construction Voice Commands

This Section provides detailed information on Construction voice commands in the HoloLens.

Tasks: You can transition to different times in your construction timeline using Voice Commands. To use this voice command, say "Construction" THEN "Task" THEN (Task Operand). You can also say (Task Operand) THEN "Task".

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Both command arrangements must be stated in their respective precise orders. Counterparts for (Task Operand) and alternate keywords for each operand are shown below. The operands dictate where in the timeline you are moved. The respective function of each operand is also stated below. Alternative keywords for "Construction" and "Task" are stated to the right. Note if using the construction command in the following order, (Task Operand) THEN "Task", you cannot use alternative keywords.

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Time Controls: You can control the playback of the 4D Schedule with Voice Commands. Say “Play” to play the schedule. Say “Pause” to pause the schedule. Say “Stop” OR “Reset” to reset the schedule to the beginning of the timeline.

Adjust Playback: Adjust Playback for Animations causes the playback speed of the schedule to change according to the time dealation settings associated with the animation that is currently being played. This alternate speed can be set when creating vehicle and sequence animations. This can be turned on with a Voice Command. To use this command, say “Enable” OR “Turn on” THEN “Adjust Playback.”

Speed Controls: You can control the playback speed with Voice Commands.

Say “Reset” THEN “Construction” THEN “Speed” OR “Reset Speed of” THEN “Construction” to reset the construction speed to default.

Say “Set” OR “Set Speed of” THEN “Construction” THEN “To” OR “Speed To” to set the speed to a particular value. The speed can be set to any number above zero, with or without decimals.

Say “Increase” THEN “Construction” THEN “Speed” to increase the speed of the construction playback. Say “Decrease” THEN “Construction” THEN “Speed” to decrease the speed.

Duration Controls: You can control the playback duration with Voice Commands. These commands are structured the same as their speed control counterparts except that the “Speed” keyword would be replaced with “Duration.” If the “Duration” Keyword is used in Speed mode, the mode is switched to Duration and Vice Versa before executing the command.