Audio Effects

Learn how to create custom audio effects for objects and control when they are played

















The Sound Settings Window is accessed from the Element Properties Overlay. With your object selected click Sound Source in the Sound(Fuzor) tab. This will toggle the sound settings for this object. Once your sound is enabled click the Sound File Row opening a file browser for you to select either a WAV or MP3 file. When a file has been selected the Sound Settings row will appear, click this to bring up the Sound Settings Window. This window is used to change specific properties of your audio object.

The 3D Sound radio buttons toggles whether the audio intensity is affected by your distance from the object.

The Volume slider controls the base volume of the audio object.

The Rolloff slider controls change in intensity at the effective distance.

The Effective Dist slider controls audible range of the audio object.

The Sound Type drop down menu selects different options that control when the sound is played.

The Change button will change the sound that plays when the selected object is walked on with the avatar.

The Ambient Interval defines a range for randomized ambient audio clips.

The Finish button saves your changes and exits the window.

The Reset button discards your changes.

The Preview button plays the sound with your current settings

The Cancel button discards your changes and exits the window.

There are 3 different sound types.

The Loop sound type begins playing the sound again once it has finished.

The Ambient sound type plays randomized clips of the audio track.

The Trigger sound type is played once when that sound is stepped on or Triggered, for more information on triggers see Event Triggers.