4D Cloud

Learn how to sync your schedule between Desktop and Mobile Fuzor sessions

















Using the Construction Cloud requires an active Autodesk account with a BIM 360 license. The Cloud Settings Menu is used to connect to your BIM 360 Account. It is located in the construction Toolbox.

The 4D Cloud can be used to distribute Mobile .FZM files and collaborate on 4D Projects. It is specifically designed to allow subcontractors to assign object statuses to tasks that can be evaluated by a user working on the desktop.

The Cloud Settings button opens the Cloud Settings Menu. This menu is used to connect to your BIM 360 Accounts and view projects. The cloud files list displays .FZC (Cloud Files) by project.

The Refresh File List button resynchronizes with the server to update the list of files on the cloud.

Create a Cloud File by selecting a project and clicking create. This uploads an .FZM for mobile files and a .FZC to store the Schedule and Objects Statuses.

The Sync File button syncs your current 4D project to the selected file.

Removes the Cloud File.

The Upload button uploads your schedule and object statuses as a .FZC Cloud File to the BIM 360 cloud

The Upload FZM button uploads an FZM of your file to the cloud

The Download button updates your schedule and object statuses to the late .FZC version on the cloud

Category Status

Learn how to use create statuses based on filters in Fuzor Desktop

















The Category Status can be opened from the 4D Toolbox.

For each Filter in your project a category is displayed in the Category list. Users can select from the filters and assign statuses. For more information see Filters.

The Define Status list displays all statuses for a currently selected Category.

The Add button Creates new Category Statuses. To Rename a Category Status double click it in the list.

The Delete button Removes the Currently selected Category Status

The Percentage can be edited allowing each status to represent a different stage in the order of a task’s completion. These percentages are used to calculate percent complete for tasks based on the number of statuses assigned to each object and their associated percentage.

The Color Pallet allows you to select a color that defines that status. This will be applied as a highlight color to associated objects when that category is selected in the mobile device.

Category Statuses can also be applied from this menu as well. This ensures that the schedule manager has the ability to override a discrepancy in the project.

The Apply to Selection button applies a category Status to use this you must have:

A Task selected in the Gantt chart.

A filter selected in the Category list

An object that is both in the task and meets the parameters of the filter.

A Status selected in the Define Status menu.

Subcontractor Assignment

Learn how to control what schedule information is released to subcontractors

















You can control what information is shown in the Mobile file. This is a great way to simplify workflow for your subcontractors while hiding sensitive information that is not necessary for reporting.

For each subcontractor there is an associated access code which is entered on the mobile app when first accessing the construction app.

The Subcontractor menu is located within the Cloud Settings. Subcontractor settings are created with custom task filters. Whichever custom task filters are set at the time a subcontractor setting is created is applied to that setting.

Selecting a subcontractor will display associated custom task filters.

The Add button adds a new subcontractor settings with the current custom task filter setting

The Update button updates the selected subcontractor setting with the current custom task filter setting

The Apply button applies changes.


Mobile Evaluation

This Section describes the category status validation process on mobile devices.

















In order to evaluate your category status a .FZM must be created and opened on the mobile device. .FZM are created and uploaded to your BIM 360 Cloud project when it is created.

Your Mobile File should already have all the category statuses saved to the schedule. However to download updates before beginning you must login to the cloud using the Mobile Settings Menu.

Category Statuses are evaluated from the Mobile Construction App. For more information see Mobile.

Opens Task Details where you can edit Actual end and start dates for the associated task. These dates can be synced to the cloud file.

Selecting a task displays category statuses organized by filter. All associated status are displayed for each category of objects in the selected task.

Statuses can either be applied to the entire filter or on an object by object basis.

Select objects in the 3D Scene to apply a status to individual objects.

The Apply button appllies statuses to selected objects in the filter.

The Apply to All button applies status to all objects in the filter.

Applying Category Status

Learn how to apply Category Statuses to the progress of tasks in your schedule.

















Your Category Statuses can be used to update the percentage complete of tasks in your schedule.

The Apply Status button opens the Update Task % Complete menu and is located in the 4D Toolbar.

Update Actual Dates toggles whether Actual Dates are changed with changes to the percent complete.

Each Task that has a category status applied to it is listed in the Update Task % complete. The Updated column displays a calculated % complete based on status. This value can be edited before being applied to the task.

The OK button applies the Percent Complete in the Updated column to your construction schedule

The Cancel button discards these changes.