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Learn how to filter the objects in your project.

Your Filters App is located in the Coordination tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Filters App can be used to manage all of the filters for the project. To rename a filter double click the name. To open a filter, click the name of the filter. To select a filter, click the check box next to its name. Filters can be exported as a CSV so that you can edit as a spreadsheet.

The Select/Deselect All checkbox toggles the selection of all of your filters at once.

The New button creates a new filter and opens the Filter Rules Tool.

The Highlight button selects objects that meet the rules of the selected filter(s) in the 3D scene.

The Delete button removes the filter from the filter list.

The Import button opens a file browser for you to select a previously exported filter.

The Export button opens a file browser for you to select a folder to export the currently selected filter(s) to.

The Filter Rules Tool allows you to manage the rules of the filter that is selected in the Filters App. You can select a rule by clicking on it with the left mouse button in the Filter Rules List. A selected rule will appear a darker gray than the rest of the rules in the list. The Filter Rules Tool can be dragged around the workspace for more information see Workspace Management.

Allows the user to apply a highlight color to the filter.

The highlight color for filters Applies a highlight color to objects in 4D tasks. For more information see Highlight Colors.

When checked the filter highlight color overrides default highlight colors. The filter color is also added to the Filter Legend in your Flythrough video. For more information see Construction in Flythrough.

The All Rules Apply check box ensures that included objects meet all of the rules. If unchecked, objects will be included if they meet at least one of the rules.

The New button creates a new rule for the current filter.

The Edit button edits the currently selected rule.

The Delete button deletes the currently selected rule.

The Duplicate Filter button creates a copy of the current filter in the Filters List.

The Export Filter button opens a file browser for you to export the current filter for later use.

The Close button hides the current window.

When a Rule is selected or created the Rule Manipulation Tool is opened. By default, the Rule Manipulation Tool prompts you to define a document rule. To change this simply click the drop down menu where the word Document is shown. This will give you some other options for defining rules. The input option for filtering by zones, level, and category are all similar to filtering by documents. For these filters simply select the sets that you wish to be included in your filter. Defining objects by parameters offers more input options. If there is no data for a particular filtering option, for instance no defined levels The label in the drop-down menu will appear gray and you will not be able to open its respective rule definition window. Both Levels and Categories are imported from external software like Revit, Archicad, and Navisworks.

Document will filter objects based on the source files they belong to.

Zone will filter objects based on Zones.

Level will filter objects based on Floor Levels.

Category will filter objects based on the Revit Category parameter.

Parameter will allow you to make a filter based on any parameter you choose.

Filtering by Parameters

Learn how to filter by parameters.

Parameters contain indexable information about the objects in your projects. To view a parameter, select an object in your 3D View. This will open the Element Properties window. The name of the parameter is defined in the left column. For example, Family is a parameter and its value is Hollow Core Plank – Concrete Topping. These same parameters can be accessed from the Rule Manipulation Window. In your Filter Rules Overlay create a new rule and switch the rule type to Parameter.

The Filter By dropdown menu prompts you to select a parameter.

The Operator dropdown menu prompts you to select a filtering method.

The Value dropdown menu prompts you to select a value to filter by.

When using the drop down menu to select a parameter or value you can type in an alphanumeric string matching the first characters or numbers in the parameters or value you are looking for. Operators are very useful when you need to select objects by different methods. For instance, if you want all the objects that are located above a certain height. Or if you need to select all of the drywall components that are larger than a given size.

Takes a number or decimal as a value.

Greater or Equal  Greater Than  Less Than  Less or Equal

Takes a number decimal or word as a value.

Not Equal  Contains

Prompts the User to select a value from a list of possible columns in the 4D schedule. These are used for auto filtering to tasks.

Equal To  Within

When Using the Contains Operator any object that contains the input within the parameter designated in Filter By is added to the filter. For example, the screenshots to the left show the element properties window with the Category parameter populated with the value Ceilings. We have a Contains Parameter Filter with the Value "Ceil" as input. The object that contains the Ceiling Category Parameter will be added to the filter.

Adding Your Filters to Tasks

Learn how to take a filter that you have created and add it to a task.

In your 4D Simulation App you can view your filters by clicking the Object Filters button this will open a Filters Tab with three additional buttons that are not in the Filters App.

The Add button applies your currently selected filter to the currently selected task

The Update All Tasks button updates the objects in each task based on the filters that are already assigned to it.

The Apply to tasks button will only be enabled if the filter that is select is a configured for automatic filtering.

Auto Filter To Tasks

This section demonstrates the workflow of auto filtering by a custom parameter that is set in Revit into your 4D schedule.

With your Revit project open navigate to the Manage tab and click the Project Parameters button shown below. this will open the Project Parameters window shown to the right. All of the parameters in your Revit file will be located here. To add a new parameter, click the add button. This will open the Parameter Properties window.

To create a functional custom parameter, select Check All shown to the right. Make sure that your parameter data matches what is shown to the right. Click OK and add your parameter to your objects. Next open your file in Fuzor using the Fuzor Plugin. In Fuzor you should be able to see your custom parameters in the Element Properties window. To filter by this parameter, create a new filter with a parameter rule. In the Filter by Drop down menu Select the name of the custom parameter you created. Leave the Operator as Equal To. Each of the Values that begin with $ will map to specific columns in your Task Table.

In general, it is best to use one of the custom columns that can be set with the Custom Columns Panel. For more information on creating custom columns see Task Table Columns.

You can filter by the custom parameters set in Revit just like any other parameter. You can also use them to auto filter to your tasks using the custom columns. To do this create Parameter filter and filter by one of your custom Parameters or any Revit specific parameters like Category. You either use the Within Operator or the Equal To Operator. Then in the Value column select one of the Custom Column. define each task by filling the custom column you selected in the parameter filter rule with possible parameter values. When using the Within Operator you can separate multiple different strings with commas as shown to the right. When your 4D Task Table is complete Navigate to the Task Filters Tab in your 4D Simulation App and Select your Filter and Click the Apply to Tasks button. Each of your tasks should now be populated based upon your custom parameter.

The Auto Filter to Tasks function works with any number of different parameters. If the All Rules Apply checkbox is checked objects will only be added to tasks if each of the custom parameters is a match.

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