Split Geometry

This section demonstrates using the Split Geometry App to subdivide objects into smaller pieces.

















The Split Geometry App is located under the Coordination Tab of your Fuzor App Menu shown to the right. With this menu open you can either split the geometry by level or by Interval. Switch between these modes using the drop down at the top. Type allows you to select different types of level based geometry subdivisions.

The Category option allows you to select objects by category to divide. Use the Category drop down menu to select object categories.

The Filter option opens the Filter List. This view functions the same as the original filter list. Select Filters to control what objects will be sub divided. For more information on filtering see Filters.

The Selection option will split objects based on what is selected in the 3D View.

The Show Levels checkbox will toggle whether the planes with which you are cutting are shown.

The Apply button executes the geometry subdivision.

Split Geometry by Level

This section demonstrates how to split geometry by level

















Split by level will sub divides objects at each level. Objects will only be split if they are in between the Max and the minimum level.

Min Level defines the minimum level to split objects at

Max Level defines the maximum level to split objects at.

Split Geometry by Interval

This section demonstrates how to split geometry by level

















Split Geometry by Interval splits objects over the interval defined in the Interval textbox. The cut interval will be offset based on the starting offset placement.

The Click Starting Offset defines the minimum height objects will be split over. Click in the 3D View after clicking this button to place the start offset.

The Click ending offset buttons to define the minimum and maximum Click in the 3D View after clicking this button to place the end offset.


Geometry Splitting Menu

This section demonstrates how to subdivide selected objects.

















The Geometry Splitting menu is opened from the Split Geometry button contained within the Object Description tab of the Element Properties. Objects selected when the Geometry Splitting menu is open can be split into separate parts.

As cuts are made separate objects are represented by different colors, and a new entry is generated in the list.

The Display Color column will allow you to change the sections color.

The Finish button will save your geometry split and create separate objects for easch of the subdivided parts.

The Reset button will discard any changes you made leaving the menu open.

The Cancel button will discard any changes you made and close the window.

Each subdivided part can be split by selecting one of the cut buttons.

A Plane cut allows the user to cut objects with a single infinite plane.

A Freehand cut allows the user to create a polyline to cut objects along.

Plane Cut

This section demonstrates how to use a plane cut to split objects.

















The Plane Cut tool allows you to control a 3D plane with which to cut your object.

The Custom Input plane type allows the user to manipulate the plane freely with the Refit Tool.

The Horizontal plane type splits an object at a specific height.

The Vertical plane type allows the user to rotate a the cut plane along the Y axis.

The Align To Surface plane type creates a plane based on a selected surface.

When the Refit session is ended the user is returned to the Geometry Splitting Menu with the objects split by the plane.


Freehand Cut

This section demonstrates how to use a plane cut to split objects.

















The Freehand Cut tool allows the user to create complex cuts by placing points to describe a polyline. Freehand cuts are designed to split slabs into separate pours.

When the freehand cut tool is enabled the view is changed to a top down orthographic view.

A linear polyline is drawn along points as they are placed allowing the user to cut an object in complex shapes.

The ESC key returns the user to the Geometry Splitting Menu with the objects split along the polyline.

It is possible that the user makes a mistake or an invalid cut during drawing. If the shape is invalid the use may still press the ESC key to exit the freehand cut tool, however, the object will not be split.

An invalid shape occurs when edges cross. If the extended edges of the end and begining of the polyline come to a corner a valid shape is created. However if any two explicit edges intersect, or if an extended edge intersects with an explicit edge the shap is invalid.

The Backspace key can be used to undo an added point and redraw an edge. This can be used to recreate a shape that would otherwise be invalid before exiting the menu.