Primavera P6

Primavera P6

Learn how to import schedule data from Primavera P6

















The best way to import data from Primavera P6 into Fuzor is using XML. Fuzor can automatically read Primavera P6 XMLs and populate data in the Fuzor schedule based on the information.

NEW IN 2025!

  • Fuzor has improved our scheduling to be more compatible with P6 scheduling

  • This means your project will switch to P6 Emulation mode if you’ve imported a schedule from P6

    • You can swap between modes in 4D settings (see Figure 1)

  • It also means your scheduling in Fuzor will behave like P6 so that schedules can be shared back and forth more easily than before


Figure 1



NEW IN 2025!

  • Fuzor has improved our scheduling to be more compatible with P6 scheduling

  • This means your project will switch to P6 Emulation mode if you’ve imported a schedule from P6

    • You can swap between modes in 4D settings (see Figure 1)

  • It also means your scheduling in Fuzor will behave like P6 so that schedules can be shared back and forth more easily than before


Figure 1



Importing Baselines

This section provides detailed information about importing baselines from Primavera P6

















By default, baselines do not export to XML from Primavera P6. Below is a guide to ensure that the data is exported to the XML in order to properly import into Fuzor.

During the Export Process after XML file type is selected the Primavera P6 Export prompts the user to select which projects they would like to export. The Open Projects Table displays information about each project being exported.

The Baselines to Export column of the Open Projects table can be selected opening the Baselines to Export Menu.

Baselines checked in the Export column of this menu are exported to to the XML.

The remaining prompts in the export wizard can be followed as normal. Once the XML is exported it can be loaded into Fuzor via the Load button in the 4D App. See importing schedules.

After importing to Fuzor baselines need to be assigned to the Project Baseline or one of 3 User Baselines. Any baselines that are included in the XML can be assigned using the Baselines menu in 4D. Then the user must switch the simulations schedule in the gantt chart to the populated baseline. For more information about assigning baselines and changing simulation schedules see Construction Schedules and Baselines.

P6 Live Link

Learn how to connect Fuzor to your P6 server to load and sync schedules.

















Fuzor supports P6 Live Link API. This means that users can connect to their P6 Database and sync schedule data directly to the server.

In order to connect to a database, the user must link Fuzor to a P6 integration API

Opens the File browser for the user to select a P6 Integration Directory

The Databases list displays all available database. Databases can be selected in this list. To connect to a database, populate the Username and Password fields and select Load Project List with the Database selected.

Once connected the Projects list displays all projects associated with the currently opened database. Projects can be selected in the Projects list.

The Get Updates button reads data from the currently selected project populating or updating the schedule loaded into Fuzor.

The Send Updates button takes changes made in Fuzor and updates the P6 Database. Do not Send Updates if you wish to preserve your P6 Schedule. Changes may be made to the schedule even by just importing into Fuzor.

The Delete Tasks in P6 checkbox toggles whether tasks that do not exist in the Fuzor schedule are removed from the P6 Project when using Send Updates

The Sync Added Tasks checkbox toggles whether tasks that exist in Fuzor but not P6 are created in the P6 Project when using Send Updates.

Importing resources

Learn how to import costs from Primavera P6

















Resources are imported from Primavera P6 along with their associated costs and task assignments.

Primavera P6 resources must be assigned to a task in the schedule to be imported with an xml.

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