Design Tools

Design Tools

Particle Spawn App

This section demonstrates how to use the Particle Spawn App to create particle systems.

















The Particle Spawn App is located in the Design tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt + B hotkey opens the Particle Spawn App. This tool is a great way to liven up your 3D model and create different visual effects like smoke, fire, running water, or sparks. To place a particle system in your scene simply select it in the Particle Spawn App and click in your scene where you would like to place it. Once placed a particle can be selected and attached to even moving objects or other Fuzor content.

There are 7 different Particle Systems in Fuzor







Jet Stream



















The Delete button deletes the currently selected particle system from the Particle Spawn App.

The Spawn button spawns a particle system on the selected object in the 3D View.

The Toggle Off button hides all particle systems from the 3D View.

The Toggle On button redisplays the particle systems.

The Save button will save the placement of all of your particle systems.

The Load button loads previously saved particle system placement configurations.

The FX Size text box sets the size of a particle systems.

The Attach button allows you to select an object to attach the particle to.

The Detach button detaches the particle from an object

The Create button underneath some particles allows you to create a particle using the associated particle as a base. This will open the Particle Spawn App which you can use to customize your particle system to your needs. Water fountain particle systems cannot be used to create a custom particle.

To create a new particle system, you must specify a name and an image. The image you select will be used to produce the particles that are spawned by your particle system. Supported file types are .png, .jpg, and .tga.

The Life text box specifies an average duration a particle exists.

The Life Randomness slider specifies a threshold for randomizing the particles lifespan.

The Speed slider specifies the speed at which the particles move through space.

The Acceleration slider specifies the acceleration of the particles.

The Size slider scales the particles.

The Particle Growth slider scales the particles over time.

The Rotation slider specifies a speed at which particles rotate.

The Alpha slider sets the transparency of the particle

The Spawn Rate specifies a rate at which particles are spawned.

Custom Animation

This section demonstrates how to create animations using the Custom Animation App.

















The Custom Animation App is a great way to add a sense of realism to your project. The Custom Animation App is located in the Design Tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt + W hotkey opens the Custom Animation App. You can animate a fan spinning, pistons that actually move, or a door that opens with a click.

There are three types of custom animations Spin, Translation, and Door Animation. Animations can be toggled by selecting in Avatar mode or using an Event Trigger. For more information see Navigation Controls or Triggers.

The Automatic Door button toggles whether objects that are marked as doors or synced over from Revit are given a door animation automatically

To create a Spin animation, select an object in your 3D scene and verify that the Spin radio button is selected and click Create. Objects must both be part of the object the animation is applied to and within the bounds to play the animation.

The Select Spinner button allows you to select what part of the object spins with the Refit Tool.

The Move Axis button defines an axis for the object to spin around.

The Spin Speed slider sets the rotation speed.

The Apply Button applies your animation settings.

The Preview button displays your current animation settings

The Cancel button removes your changes.

A translation animation is a visual effect that moves an object along a vector. To make a Translation animation select the Translation radio button. Just like with the spin animation objects are only translated if they are within the bounds and part of the object the animation is applied to.

The Speed slider sets the speed of the translation.

The Oscillation check box toggles the object moving back and forth.

The Apply Button applies your animation settings.

The Preview button displays your current animation settings

The Cancel button deselects the object and remove your changes.

To make a Door animation click the Edit button under the Door Animation Tab. This opens the Door Option Tab which allows you to fine tune your door animation in different ways. You can select a type of door from the drop down menu. There are five different types of door animations. The default is a Single Door.


The Single Door makes a swinging door with one axis.

The Double Door makes two swinging doors with separate axis.

The Roll Up Door makes a door that slides upwards like a garage.

The Slide Door makes a single sliding door.

The Double Slide Door makes two sliding doors that slide outwards.

Single doors and Roll up doors have a single axis and panel. Whereas with the Double Slide Door and the Double there is axis and panel for each door. The Refit tool is used when repositioning components of a Door Animation.

The Move Axis buttons allow you to reposition an axis.

The Select Panel buttons allow you to reposition bounds to select a panel.

The Flip Axis button toggles the direction of the door animation.

The Apply Button applies your animation settings.

The Preview button displays your current animation settings

The Cancel button deselects the object and removes your changes.

Once you have created a door animation for an object it appears in the element properties overlay You can toggle opening or closing animations by either selecting that row or right clicking the object in the 3D View.

Light Controls

This section demonstrates how to use the Light Controls App and how to create and edit the properties of light objects.

















The Light Controls App is located in the design tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt + L hotkey opens the Light Controls App. The Light Controls App can be dragged around the Fuzor window. For more information see Workspace Management. It is used to control general light settings. It can also be used to place a light in the 3D scene.

The Night Only radio button sets all lights on when it is night.

The On radio button sets all lights On.

The Off radio button sets all lights Off.

The Display Light toggles whether the Fuzor Light mesh is displayed.

The Create Light button allows you to place a Fuzor Light in the 3D Scene.

The Save button saves your light settings.

The Load button loads previously saved light settings.

To edit specific properties of lights you must first select them to bring up the Element Properties Overlay. From this menu select the Adjust Light Row in the Object Description Tab. This brings up a different Light Controls menu that you can use to edit specific properties. These are directly to the light properties in Revit any changes made to these properties

Light Intensity controls brightness measured in lumen or lux.

Temperature controls hue between warm and cool.

Ballast Loss controls loss associated with lights acting as part of a ballast system

Temperature Loss controls loss associated with deviations from ideal fixture operating temperature.

Voltage Loss controls loss associated with power supply.

Surface Loss controls loss associated with fixture deterioration.

Lamp Lumen Depreciation Loss controls loss associated with predictable light deterioration.

Dirt Loss controls loss associated with the accumulation of dirt.

Total Loss is a calculated total loss based on the above settings.


To apply your changes to all lights of the same family use the checkbox below the sliders. To save your changes select OK. To revert your changes, select Cancel. To toggle whether the lights are on or off use the Turn On button.


2D and Projected Media

This section demonstrates how to use the 2D Media Tool to create active displays and projections.

















The 2D Media App is located in the Design Tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt + E hotkey opens the 2D Media App. This app is an effective way to place any sort of 2D media into your scene. The Projected 2D media projects media onto a list of surfaces. The Default 2D media creates a flat plane for the media to be rendered along. To switch between these modes, use the drop down menu.

The Create button prompts the user to define bounds for the 2D media.

The Save button saves your current 2D media configuration.

The Load button loads your previously saved 2D media.

In order to display 2D media on non-planar 3D surfaces switch the mode to Projection using the drop down menu. This opens the Projection view. The projection functions the same way as default 2D media displays. The projection originates from where it is placed onto any objects that are included in the Affected Object List and within the 3D bounds. This allows you to control which objects receive the projection.

The Distance slider controls the max distance that the projection is cast.

The Transparency Slider controls the transparency of the projection.

The Add Selected button adds the 3D view selection to the Affected Object List.

The Delete Selected button removes the object checked in the Affected Object List

The Shape check box toggles the display of the 3D bounds for the projection.

Additional Options appear in the Element Properties when a 2D Media Object is Selected.

The Media Path option allows you to select another file to replace the media.

The Media Switch option toggles the display of the 2D Media. This is a useful option if you want to hide the original image in a projection.

The Self Illuminate Media option toggles whether the 2D Media is self illuminating. This is a good option for media that is displayed on a monitor or screen.

Audio Effects

Learn how to create custom audio effects for objects and control when they are played

















The Sound Settings Window is accessed from the Element Properties Overlay. With your object selected click Sound Source in the Sound(Fuzor) tab. This will toggle the sound settings for this object. Once your sound is enabled click the Sound File Row opening a file browser for you to select either a WAV or MP3 file. When a file has been selected the Sound Settings row will appear, click this to bring up the Sound Settings Window. This window is used to change specific properties of your audio object.

The 3D Sound radio buttons toggles whether the audio intensity is affected by your distance from the object.

The Volume slider controls the base volume of the audio object.

The Rolloff slider controls change in intensity at the effective distance.

The Effective Dist slider controls audible range of the audio object.

The Sound Type drop down menu selects different options that control when the sound is played.

The Change button will change the sound that plays when the selected object is walked on with the avatar.

The Ambient Interval defines a range for randomized ambient audio clips.

The Finish button saves your changes and exits the window.

The Reset button discards your changes.

The Preview button plays the sound with your current settings

The Cancel button discards your changes and exits the window.

There are 3 different sound types.

The Loop sound type begins playing the sound again once it has finished.

The Ambient sound type plays randomized clips of the audio track.

The Trigger sound type is played once when that sound is stepped on or Triggered, for more information on triggers see Event Triggers.

Time and Weather Controls

This section provides detailed information on different options available to customize the visual environment of Fuzor

















The Time and Weather App is located on the Quick Access Toolbar. The Ctrl +4 hotkey opens the Time and Weather App. The Time and Weather App can be dragged around the Fuzor window. For more information see Workspace Management.

This App can change settings associated with the sky box, the time of day, and weather. The Time-Lapse tab can be used to loop through a day cycle while observing your model. To enable the time lapse and the corresponding change in sun position according to time, ensure that the Fix Sun Position check-box is unchecked. The Time-Lapse circular buttons shown to the right will control the speed of the time lapse. You can transition to any point during the day with either the large graphic slider or the Time drop down menus or the AM/PM Toggle button.

The Sun Study tab is used calculate an accurate sun position based on your time of day, time zone, and date.

The Date drop down menu specifies the date for the sun study.

The City drop down menu specifies a city to base your time zone off of.

The Time Zone text box represents the deviation from standard time.

The DST check box enables or disables daylight savings time.

The Longitude text box specifies a longitude world location.

The Latitude text box specifies a latitude world location.

The Weather tab allows the ability to control what weather patterns are displayed. These weather patterns will affect the default skybox and lighting. In order for precipitation to take effect you must increase the intensity from the default. Additionally, The wind intensity affects the direction the precipitation falls and leaves moving on foliage.

The Weather slider controls the intensity of the weather.

The Weather FX buttons toggle between snow and rain mode.

The Wind slider controls the intensity of the wind.

The Wind Direction slider controls the wind with respect to cardinal direction.


The Skybox tab allows further control over the skybox. You can use the Sky Type drop down menu to change the default skybox. All of the options with the exception of panoramic are affected by your current weather settings. There are four skybox options.

  • The Clear skybox is clear and sunny when the weather intensity is lowest.

  • The Hazy skybox is overcast when the weather intensity is lowest.

  • The Cloudy skybox is partly cloudy and sunny when the weather intensity is lowest

  • The Panoramic option is automatically switched to when a panoramic is loaded. If no panoramic is loaded this option displays the clear sky.

  • The Solid Color option allows you to use a solid color background instead of a natural or imported. This is a good option when showing isolated details within the model.

You can also load a panoramic image to be used as a skybox. To do this use the Load Panoramic Image button.

  • The Rotate Panoramic slider allows the horizontal rotation of your imported panorama around your skybox.

  • The Remove Panorama Image button will remove your current panorama.

  • The Load Panorama Image button opens a file browser for you to select an image file to be used as a panorama


Terrain Controls

This section demonstrates how to use the terrain controls to generate a terrain object for your Fuzor model.

















The Terrain Controls App is located in the Design Tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt + T hotkey opens the Terrain Controls App. The Terrain Controls App is used to enable or disable Terrain this can be done with the On and Off radio buttons.

The High Quality Checkbox toggles whether the ocean terrain is rendered with high quality graphics settings.

The Terrain Type drop down menu allows you to select from 6 different terrains.

The Elevation textbox allows you to specify a height for the terrain to appear at


Grass green field.

Dirt dark ground surface.

Concrete clean and smooth light grey concrete.

Brick staggered grey bricks.

Lake smooth water with clear reflections

Ocean deep wavy water.









The Design Option App

This section demonstrates how to use the Design Option App

















The Design Option App is located in the Design Tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt +Y hotkey opens the Design Option App. The Design Option App is used to manage all of the Design features of your project. You can use this to quickly switch between design setting schemes. Any object can be bound to a design option. Use this app to store different room layouts, material palettes, and light positioning.

The Design Options are organized by Option Set. Each set has a number of different options that can be completely extraneous and are fully customizable. However, to maximize the effectiveness of this tool it is best to organize different kinds of options by sets. For instance:

One option set with multiple floor plan options and another option set with multiple furniture arrangements allows you to view a large number of different configurations. When you create a set one option is automatically added to it.

The Create Set button creates a new Option Set.

The Add to Option button adds a currently selected item to an Option.

The Highlight button highlights the objects in a selected option set.

The Add Placement to Active Primary checkbox automatically adds any objects placed from family placement into your selected Option.

The Create New button adds a new option the current option set.

The Delete button will delete the currently selected option or option set.

The Duplicate button duplicates the selected option.

Any objects that are currently selected when creating an option or an option set will automatically be added to the Option Set. to rename an option or an option set click the name in the Design Option List. Clicking the Camera next to a design option will toggle whether an option set is active. Only one Option in an option set can be active at a time.


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