
Material Library

This section demonstrates how to use the Material Library App to change the materials of objects in the 3D scene.

















The Material Library displays all of the materials in your project. The settings in this menu allow the user to fine tune their materials. When this app is open, the material applied to your selection is selected in the material list. by default, the object in your 3D View will not be highlighted.

The Highlight Selected check box toggles highlighting of your selected object in the 3D scene as normal.

The Switch Material For All Instances check box toggles whether all selected objects will change when another material is selected.

When you select another material from the list it will change your currently selected objects material respectively. To search through the material list, you can use search bar at the top of the app. Below the list are buttons used to manage materials in your project.

Allows the user to select a material on an object and apply it to other object is the file quickly.

Creates a new material in your list.

Removes the selected material from the Material List

Duplicates the currently selected material

Saves materials as a material library file. If no materials are selected the entire material list is saved as a material library file. Otherwise, you are prompted whether to save the currently selected or all materials.

Opens the file browser for you to select a previously saved material library file.

The Apply button applies your changed material settings.

The Cancel button cancels your changed material settings.

The Ok button hides the Material library window.

Imported Materials are automatically scrolled to and selected in the Material List.

If some of the materials that you are importing have the same name but different properties, you are prompted by the duplicate materials dialog. The options you select choose which materials populate the list for those that are matching. All new materials are always be imported. Additionally, old materials that do not share the same name as any new materials remain.

Overwrite removes old materials with matching names and replaces them with new ones.

New imports only materials with unique names.

Cancel cancels importing any materials


Material Presets

This section demonstrates how to use material presets

















Another way to filter through an extensive material library is to use the Presets tab located underneath the general Material Library list. You can use this tab to create presets of your materials that control what is displayed in the Material Library List.

Saves the current material preset as a material library .chm file.

Deletes the Material Preset

The Show All button unselects the preset displaying all materials.

The Edit button edits a currently selected preset.

The New button creates a new material preset.

When a preset is selected only the members of that preset appear in the Material Library List. When a preset is edited or created it will open the preset editor which allows to select and add materials to the preset. The left side of the editor contains all materials in the project. The right side contains the materials in the preset you are editing.

Adds the material to the preset.

Remove the material from the preset.

The Save button saves the preset as a material library .chm file.

The Close button saves your changes and closes the window.

Material Settings

This section provides detailed information on different material settings.

















The Mirror Reflectivity Tool allows you to make any selected object reflective and change the reflectivity of that object. To toggle the reflectivity of the selected object, use the On and Off radio buttons. To adjust the reflectivity, use the reflectivity slider.

The Material Settings allows you to control rendering settings for individual materials.

The Change Material Settings for This Object check box creates a new material when making changes instead of editing original material which may be applied to other objects in the project.

By default, the Abstract Color is shown in Abstract Render Mode and the Render Color is shown in Basic and Realistic Render Modes. The Associated radio buttons will toggle which modes these are displayed in so that you can easily switch these without having to select the color again.

The Glass checkbox toggles whether the material is treated as glass.

The Frosted Glass checkbox will ignore the gloss value and apply a filter so that it appears look frosted.

The Transparency slider controls how transparent the material is.

The Gloss slider controls how shiny the material appears.

The Roughness slider controls the hardness of edges in the material texture.

The Roughness Blend slider controls the strength of the roughness texture.

The Albedo Texture Blend slider controls the strength of the Render or Abstract Color.

The Self Illumination settings allow the user to make a material appear as though it is luminescent. Use the Color button and the Intensity slider to control the strength and hue of the filter.

The Disable Cutout Mips check-box changes the way distant objects render transparency.

The Toggle Double Sided check box renders the material on both sides of the mesh.

Texture Alignment

Learn how to use the UV Settings to align textures to your model.

















Texture alignment settings apply to the associated material and any objects with that material applied. By default, changes in alignment are only applied to the Albedo texture layer. The drop down menu changes which layer the changes are applied to.

The Change UV For All Textures checkbox toggles whether the UV settings are applied to all layers in the material.

The U- Alignment relates to the horizontal alignment of the texture.

The V- Alignment relates to the vertical alignment of the texture.

The Scale textboxes control the size of the texture and are inversely related to the distance a texture is repeated. Smaller numbers increase the visible size of the image along associated axes.

The Offset textboxes adjusts the texture so that it aligns to the model.

The UV Rotate slider rotates the texture along the UV map

The Bump slider controls the strength of the Normal Bump Map

Physical and Substance Based Materials

This section demonstrates how to manage PBR and SBSAR material layers.

















The Edit Texture tab allows to you map textures to material layers. These layers support both PBR and SBSAR materials.

The Load SBSAR material button imports a SBSAR material.

The Edit SBSAR button opens a window for you to edit these specific properties of SBSAR materials.

PBR materials and associated layers are imported with your Revit files. You can also edit or import to each layer of the PBR material individually.

Populates the PBR layer with an image.

Clears the PBR layer

Populates the PBR depth layer with a Normal Map

Populates the PBR depth layer with a Bump Map

The Normal bump Map option can either be loaded with a normal map or a bump map. For this option there is both a Normal and Bump import button that determines how that mapping is displayed.

The Albedo Texture contains values and color with no shadows or highlights.

The Normal Map contains information relating to the vertex normal.

The Bump Map contains information like shadows and highlights

The Roughness represents how smooth or rough a surface is.

The Metalness contains information that defines whether an object is an insulator or a metal.

The Cutouts contains information relating to transparency.

The Ambient Occlusion is a precomputed calculation of ambient light reflection.

The Height Map contains information that distorts mesh vertices to give depth to the texture.

The Edit SBSAR button opens a window for you to edit these specific properties of SBSAR materials. Within this interface that are presets than can be used to achieve predefined styles. You can define an Output Size that will determine the pixels to be rendered from the texture. Selecting the check box between these sizes will allow you to designate a custom aspect ratio. You can Also Set a seed to randomize the mapping of the texture. Use the Randomize button to randomize this seed. The other Parameters in this window are imported from substance painter. If you were to create your own material in substance painter you would be able to define parameters to edit in this window.

Scrolling and Liquid Textures

This section demonstrates how to create and edit animated textures.

















There are two types of animated textures in Fuzor.

Water materials are transparent, reflective and have 3D waves moving on their surface.

Scrolling materials can be created with any material as a base.

The Water Parameters tab contains settings that edit water materials. These materials can be found in the material Library by searching for the word “water”.

The Speed slider controls the speed of the waves

The Smoothness slider controls the height of waves

The Alpha Offset slider controls the transparency of the water

The Reflection Amount controls the reflectiveness of the surface

The Scrolling Texture tab contains settings the Enable texture scrolling for a given material.

The UV Orientation Slider change the direction of the scrolling

The Scroll Speed slider changes the speed of the texture scrolls

The Cycle distance textbox changes the amount of textures are scrolled over before restarting

Dirt Maps

Learn how to apply dirt maps to your textures

















The Dirt Map Tab of the Material library provides tool that can make textures look more natural.

The Apply Dirt checkbox toggles whether the dirt map is active

The Map Type dropdown menu toggles which dirt map is being used

The Blend slider controls the transparency of the dirt map

Tiling mitigation toggles whether the selected material’s textures are randomized. This works best with natural textures like dirt and grass rather than tiles.