Section Cut

This section demonstrates how to create and manipulate section cuts to be stored within your saved views.

















The Section Cut App is located in the Coordination Tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt + X hotkey opens the Section Cut App. With the Section Cut App Open you can create section cuts to help see internal objects without having to actually divide the meshes manually. If enabled, section cuts will stay active outside of the Section Cut App.

The Enable Section radio buttons toggles whether the Section Cut is active.

The Type radio buttons specifies a type of section cut.

The Edit Section button opens the Refit Tool to transform your section cut. For more information see Refit Tool.

The Reset Section button resets the section cut to default configuration.

The Box section cut uses a 3D box to construct the visible bounds. Any objects outside of the bounds of the box are invisible.

The Show box cut bounds checkbox toggles whether the bounds of the box is rendered.

The Update Bound button forces the bounds to encapsulate the existing geometry.

Box section cuts are editable with the Refit Tool and in the 3D scene. To edit the section cuts in the 3D scene, ensure that the box cut bounds are shown and then select the bounds. When the bounds are selected arrows appear in the 3D scene as shown below. These arrows can be clicked and dragged to edit the bounds directly.


The Plane section cut supports 4 planes to construct the visible bounds. To create a plane section cut you must click on one of the buttons labeled by number this will select the associated section cut. The blue line on the top of the button denotes the selection of that section cut plane. When a plane section cut is active there will be a green line on the bottom of the associated button. When a plane section cut is inactive there will be a red line on the bottom of the associated button. When you select a deactivated section cut it will activate and prompt you to select a space in the 3D scene to place the section cut plane. To deactivate a section cut first click the button to select it and then click it again to deactivate it. The Plane Type and Flip options only apply to the currently selected.

The Plane Type drop down menu in the Plane Section cut specifies the orientation of the section cut.

The Flip button flips the section cut reversing which side of the plane objects are visible

The Level section cut allows you to select a level to display.

The Level drop down menu specifies a level for the section cut to start on.

The Height textbox controls the height of the section cut. Objects above the bounds are not rendered

The Offset textbox applies an offset above the specified level for the section cut to begin. Objects below the offset will not be rendered even if above the level.