2D and Projected Media

This section demonstrates how to use the 2D Media Tool to create active displays and projections.

















The 2D Media App is located in the Design Tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt + E hotkey opens the 2D Media App. This app is an effective way to place any sort of 2D media into your scene. The Projected 2D media projects media onto a list of surfaces. The Default 2D media creates a flat plane for the media to be rendered along. To switch between these modes, use the drop down menu.

The Create button prompts the user to define bounds for the 2D media.

The Save button saves your current 2D media configuration.

The Load button loads your previously saved 2D media.

In order to display 2D media on non-planar 3D surfaces switch the mode to Projection using the drop down menu. This opens the Projection view. The projection functions the same way as default 2D media displays. The projection originates from where it is placed onto any objects that are included in the Affected Object List and within the 3D bounds. This allows you to control which objects receive the projection.

The Distance slider controls the max distance that the projection is cast.

The Transparency Slider controls the transparency of the projection.

The Add Selected button adds the 3D view selection to the Affected Object List.

The Delete Selected button removes the object checked in the Affected Object List

The Shape check box toggles the display of the 3D bounds for the projection.

Additional Options appear in the Element Properties when a 2D Media Object is Selected.

The Media Path option allows you to select another file to replace the media.

The Media Switch option toggles the display of the 2D Media. This is a useful option if you want to hide the original image in a projection.

The Self Illuminate Media option toggles whether the 2D Media is self illuminating. This is a good option for media that is displayed on a monitor or screen.