Custom Animation

Custom Animation

Learn how to populate your scene with idle object animations.

















The Custom Animation App is located in the Design Tab of the Fuzor App Menu. The Alt + W hotkey opens the Custom Animation App. You can animate a fan spinning, pistons that actually move, or a door that opens with a click.

There are three types of custom animations Spin, Translation, and Door Animation. Animations can be toggled with a right mouse button click or using Triggers.

The Automatic Door button toggles whether doors can be opened automatically. When the setting is disabled doors can only be opened from the element properties button or by using a trigger.

To create a spin animation, select an object in your 3D scene and verify that the spin radio button is selected and click create. Objects must both be part of the object the animation is applied to and within the bounds to play the animation.

The Select Spinner button allows you to select what part of the object spins with the Refit Tool.

The Move Axis button defines an axis for the object to spin around.

The Spin Speed slider sets the rotation speed.

The Apply Button applies your animation settings.

The Preview button displays your current animation settings

The Cancel button removes your changes.

A translation animation is a visual effect that moves an object along a vector. To make a Translation animation select the Translation radio button. Just like with the spin animation objects are only translated if they are within the bounds and part of the object the animation is applied to.

The Speed slider sets the speed of the translation.

The Oscillation check box toggles the object moving back and forth.

The Apply Button applies your animation settings.

The Preview button displays your current animation settings

The Cancel button deselects the object and remove your changes.

To make a door animation click the edit button under the door animation tab. This opens the Door Option Tab which allows you to fine tune your door animation in different ways. You can select a type of door from the drop down menu. There are five different types of door animations. The default is a Single Door.


The Single Door makes a swinging door with one axis.

The Double Door makes two swinging doors with separate axis.

The Roll Up Door makes a door that slides upwards like a garage.

The Slide Door makes a single sliding door.

The Double Slide Door makes two sliding doors that slide outwards.

Single doors and Roll up doors have a single axis and panel. Whereas with the Double Slide Door and the Double there is axis and panel for each door. The Refit tool is used when repositioning components of a Door Animation.

The Move Axis buttons allow you to reposition an axis.

The Select Panel buttons allow you to reposition bounds to select a panel.

The Flip Axis button toggles the direction of the door animation.

The Apply Button applies your animation settings.

The Preview button displays your current animation settings

The Cancel button deselects the object and removes your changes.

Once you have created a door animation for an object it appears in the element properties overlay You can toggle opening or closing animations by either selecting that row or right clicking the object in the 3D View.

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