
This page provides a detailed list of events and thier use in Event Triggers

Virtual Reality Events

This section provides detailed information on events that can be used with Virtual Reality

















VR Events are a great way to make sure that your project is properly. They will trigger associated actions based on what the virtual reality user is doing. All of these will be located under the Virtual Reality subset of the Event Type drop down menu.

A Pending VR Exit Event Type triggers associated actions when VR is exited. This is a great way to ensure that certain actions are reset once a VR session has ended so that another can start from the same point. There are no input fields for this Event Type.

A VR Mode Switched Event Type allows you to trigger associated actions when the VR is turned on or turned off. If the VR Active drop down menu is set to false associated actions will be triggered when VR is turned off. If it is True associated actions will be triggered when VR is turned on.

Object Events

Learn how to use the various kinds of object events

















Objects events are events that can be attached to specific objects to define how they interact with you and other objects in your 3D scene. For all of these Events you will have to add your 3D View selection to the event for it to work properly. Each of these Events can be found in the Event Type List under the Object Category

The Enter/ Exit Zone Event triggers an associated action when the specied object has entered a given zone. You can populate the Object field either by selecting a previously used object from the drop down menu or clicking Add Selected.

The Add Selected button addes the object curecntly select in your scene ot the associated field

The Zone drop down menu specifies which zone is being used by trigger

The Enter/Exit drop down menu specifies when the action should execute.

The Object Collision Event triggers an associated action when the specified objects have collided with each other. You can populate the Object #1 and Object #2 fields either by selecting a previously used object from the drop down menu or clicking Add Selected.

The Add Selected button adds the object currently selected in your scene to the associated field.

The Precise Collisions drop down menu controls whether the collisions are detected in a precise manner.

The Object Proximity Event triggers an associated action when the distance between Object #1 and Object #2 objects changes past a threshold defined by the radius. You can populate the Object #1 and Object #2 fields either by selecting a previously used object from the drop down menu or clicking Add Selected.

The Add Selected button adds the object currently selected in your scene to the associated field.

The Radius field defines the threshold that triggers this event.

The Proximity Type drop down menu specifies whether this event is triggered upon entry or exit of the threshold.

The 3D Marker Selected event triggers an associated action when the specified 3D marker is selected


The Object Selected Event triggers an associated action when the specified object is selected. You can use the Selected Object field either by selecting a previously used object from the drop down menu or clicking Add Selected.

The Add Selected button adds the object currently selected in your scene to this field.

The Show Element Properties Check box toggles display of the element properties overlay.

The VR Controller Collision Event triggers an associated action when a Virtual Reality Controller collides with the specified object.

You can populate the Object field either by selecting a previously used object form the drop down menu or clicking Add Selected. The Add Selected button will add your current 3D Scene Selection to the Object field.

Trigger State Event

This section demonstrates how to use Trigger State Events

















Trigger State Events are a good way to ensure that a passive Action is only enabled when its associated Event Triggers are active.

The Trigger drop down menu specifies a trigger for the event to respond to.

The Trigger State: False option triggers associated actions when the specified trigger is disabled. The Trigger State: True option triggers associated actions when the specified trigger is enabled.

Interface Events

This section demonstrates how use Interface events

















Interface Events can be used to trigger actions when specific parts of the Fuzor interface are activated, when Fuzor is opened or just before the application is exited. For both The Initial Load Event and The Fuzor Close event there are no input fields in the Event Parameters.

The Initial Load event triggers an action at the beginning of each session.

The Fuzor Close event is triggered when the Fuzor is closed just before the program exits and can be used to generate a report, or open a farewell message.

The Widget Clicked event triggers an associated action when the specified widget is selected. This could possibly be used for a tool tutorial.

The Keystroke Event triggers an associated action when the specified key is pressed.

The Key Press button prompts the user for a key to bind the event to as input.

Time Events

This section demonstrates how to use the various metric oriented events.

















A Periodic Time Event can be used to trigger an action every specified time interval. The Period text box defines the time interval. After all events are completed, this Event will wait for the given time to be retriggered. The drop down menu specifies a unit for the time interval.

A Construction Date Event triggers an associated action when the specified date in the 4D schedule is reached. Use the Calendar to select the date in the 4D schedule.

A On Task Event triggers an associated action when the selected date of the specified task has been reached.

The Task ID or Name field must include the name or the ID of the task to trigger the action. When a task has been specified correctly the red X is replaced by a green checkmark.

The Task Date dropdown menu selects a date and time stamp associated with the task to trigger bound actions. Any 4D date value usable in the 4D schedules is applicable.