Task Filters

Learn how to filter the tasks that appear in the task table.

















In order to filter your tasks, select the Task Filters button in the 4D Simulation Toolbox. This will open the Task Filter menu where you can filter your tasks by their duration or by preset Activity Codes.

The Look Ahead Filter filters out objects that are not within the time frame specified by the Duration field.

The Enable checkbox toggles the Look Ahead Filter.

The Current Date radio button starts the time frame at your system time.

The Schedule Date radio button starts the time frame at the current schedule time

The Include Overlap checkbox includes tasks that may start or end outside of your time frame but still overlap with the duration.

The Include WBS Tasks checkbox includes parents of tasks with their children.

The Export Tasks button allows you to export a PDF showing information about each of the tasks based on task filters. The Task Choices menu allows you to select which information to include in the report.

The activity code filter enables you to filter with activity codes created in your schedule editor from the task filter. Checking Filter By Activity Codes enables this feature. The checkboxes located next to each activity code toggle whether it is shown in the Task Table. To check or uncheck all activity codes us the Select/Deselect All button.

Custom Task Filters

Learn how to filter tasks by the values in task columns

















The Custom Task Filters List appears in the bottom of the Task Filters Tab. It is used to filter by task column values.

The New button creates adds a Custom Task Filter to the Custom Task Filter List.

Removes the associated task filter From the Custom Task Filter List

Activates the associated task filter. Multiple task filters can be activated at once.

Select a custom task filter in the list to open the Edit Custom Task Filter Window.

The Edit Custom Task Filter Window allows you to define the a rules by which the tasksare filtered. For each column in the task table there is a separate rule. To edit a rule click on it in the List.

When a rule is edit the you may enter data that a task must match in order remain in the task view while the filter is active.

All rules that have a checkbox marked in the Culumn Filter Rules List are active and will filter according to their settings.

A Comparison Operator is used to control how the data is filtered. Use the drop down menu to change the comparison operator. Depending on the column type different options are avialable

A Value is used to control what data is used to compare to the data in the task column. The user menu to control the value is different depending on the column type.

In some situations a user may want to match data in a specifc column to a custom column.

The Match to Custom Column drop down menu is used to select a custom column that the Selected column matches. Only tasks that have an exact match for the data in the specified custom column and the associated column used to create the rule are displayed in the gantt chart.


Custom Task Filter Rules

Learn how to use custom task filter rules with different kinds of column data

















Depending on the type of data that is contained within a given column the associated custom task filter rule has different options to allow the user control what is filtered. Task Table Columns contains a detailed list of the different kinds of columns in Fuzor and thier purpose. There are 5 column types that can be used with a Custom task Filter.

  • Text based

  • Selectable Options

  • Duration

  • Dates

  • Numeric

Two comparison operators are shared by most task filter rules. Only Rules that filter Date columns do not contain the Equal to and Not Equal comparison operators.

Equal to : Tasks with column data that match the column value exactly are displayed in the gantt chart

Not Equal : Any task with column data that does not match the column value exactly is displayed in the gantt chart.

The Selectable Options columns do not need any additional comparison operators. Many columns have selectable options that control the column data. Similarly asscoiated task filters allow the user to select from possible values that can be stored within these columns.

The Text Based solumns allow the user to specify a value with a textbox. Addional available comparison operators for text based data are:

  • Contains : Tasks with column data that contains the text in the column value are displayed in the gantt chart.

  • Not Contains : Tasks with column data that do not contain the text in the column value are displayed in the gantt chart.

The Numeric columns like Object Count and % complete that need special operators that only work with numbers.

The Duration columns are similar to numeric columns, however both the data and the Filter Rules are calculated using information in the Calendar settings. For example the number of hours in a day.

Both duration and numeric columns share similar task filter comparison operators.

Greater Than : Tasks that with column data that is greater than The Duration or Number specified in the column value are displayed in the gannt chart.

Greater Or Equal : Tasks that with column data that is greater than or equal to The Duration or Number specified in the column value are displayed in the gannt chart.

Less Than :Tasks that with column data that is less than The Duration or Number specified in the column value are displayed in the gannt chart.

Less Or Equal : Tasks that with column data that is less than or equal to The Duration or Number specified in the column value are displayed in the gannt chart.

The Date columns allow the user to specify a date as the column value.

Changes the date of the column value.

Date column filter rules have the following comparison operators.

On : Tasks with a date in the specified column that is at the same date and time as the date specified by the column value.

Before : Tasks with a date in the specified column that occurs before the date specified by the column value.

After : Tasks with a date in the specified column that occurs after the date specified by the column value.